This short film, based on an original story and art by Peter H. Reynolds and produced by FableVision, movingly conveys the loneliness a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder often experiences, and the life-changing effect each of us can have in breaking through that solitude. FableVision created the film for SARRC (Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center).
FableVision CEO Peter H. Reynolds, NY Times best-selling children's author/illustrator, illustrated the film. The film includes a powerful musical score by Ruth Mendelson. "I'm Here" is the precursor to the film and book "Wings of EPOH." Both products are co-published by FableVision and SARRC.
This little clip really touched my heart. I have just over a year left before I graduate with my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, and a minor in Special Education. I am also currently working toward getting an endorsement in Autism.
FableVision CEO Peter H. Reynolds, NY Times best-selling children's author/illustrator, illustrated the film. The film includes a powerful musical score by Ruth Mendelson. "I'm Here" is the precursor to the film and book "Wings of EPOH." Both products are co-published by FableVision and SARRC.
This little clip really touched my heart. I have just over a year left before I graduate with my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, and a minor in Special Education. I am also currently working toward getting an endorsement in Autism.
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