Vacation At Last

Sorry fabulous blog readers that I have not updated lately. Since I finished with school I have been busying preparing and making sure that everything is in order for my our family vacation. When traveling with a young child there is so much to make sure is packed and so much to make sure that you have and that everything is ready to go.

As I write this post I am trying to kill time before I can check-in for our flight tomorrow and pre-pay are checked baggage fee. This little time killing will save so much time when we get to the airport as we will be able to leave our bags at the curbside-baggage-check in and we won’t have to stand in any ticket lines we can head straight to TSA security check point and head to our terminal and gate that way we have plenty of time to wait for our flight.

I will try to write a blog post at the airport about our adventures through security as well as blog posts about our adventures on our trip. Have to be careful when and how often I blog as I promised my husband I would lay off the technology on our vacation. I am planning on taking an old fashion notebook and pen to write some memories down for my son’s scrapbook and for posts once I get back if I don’t get to blog about our adventures.

Well, I guess I better get back to some of my cleaning and organizing before I get in bed. I am trying to make sure that everything is organized and clean.
