Making Goals Monday

My newest blogging friend Sarah over at Accepting and Embracing Autism has started a new blog hop. The purpose of this blog hop is to allow bloggers to think about things you would like to achieve during the week. You could either have short term, long term or daily goals.
Sarah’s rules for joining this blog hop are simple.
  1. Add your blog title and URL to the link.
  2. Follow your hostess - Accepting and Embracing Autism and Featured blog (there won't be one this week due to being the first one) Also follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Network Blogs.
  3. Follow any other blogs you wish
  4. Make sure you leave a comment so that you'll get a follow back.
  5. Feel free to add your own goals that you would like to achieve.
  6. Grab our Catch a Wave Wednesday button if you'd like so that followers will know where to leave a comment.
  7. I will return the love.
Making Goals Monday
My Goals for this week
  1. Finish of the Mary Kay Year strong
  2. Continue to blog daily
  3. Get back into a daily bed time routine with my son

Blogging Hints Catch a Wave Wednesday
I will now be linking up with Catch a Wave Wednesday. Be sure to watch for my post. 
