I Confess Friday


I confess that I haven't worked out much this week. I won't go into to much detail because I don't want to spoil my Fit Moms Club post.

I confess that I am I excited because this is my 100th post. I can't believe that in 4 months I have posted 100 different posts. I have really enjoyed my blogging experience as well as all the wonderful people I have interacted with.

I confess that I really haven't tweeted as much this week as I normally do. I have been working my Mary Kay business more in order to meet my self-set goals.

I confess that I am already thinking a head to my son's 4th Birthday in March. Sometimes you gotta start planning early.

I confess that I am a little nervous about graduating from College in May. Don't get me wrong I am excited and nervous at the same time.
