The Rules are simple:
- To participate, I require you to follow the hostesses @MeasuringFlower, @MommyMindSpa, and @Graphoniac--. Let us know you followed and we'll follow back. :-)
- You must have a family-friendly BLOG (non-blog will be deleted) and (obviously) a Twitter account.
- You must link up to your Twitter account (direct link) and place your Twitter handle in the Name field (i.e. @MeasuringFlower). Important Note: In order for the link to your account to work, you need to remove the "https://" in the URL.
- This is a Twitter only hop, any links to anything non-Twitter WILL BE DELETED.
- After linking up, follow the hostesses and as many others as you can. After following, make sure to tweet them so they know you're a new follower (i.e. "Hey, @???, I'm a new follower from #TwitterTagalong Tuesday!") and can follow you back.
- If you already follow someone via Twitter, consider following them another way too (Facebook, GFC, Networked Blogs, etc.).
- When tweeting about Twitter Tagalong, here's the hashtag you can use if you'd like to: #TwitterTagalong
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