I just realized that I didn't post a Fit Moms Club weekly post on Saturday. I have scheduled one for this weekend. This post is a special edition post. If you remember back to a couple of weeks ago I stated that I was in contact with Athletes4Life to create some fitness tips for Moms. Well, this week I received an email with the tips.
Athletes4Life Fitness Tips
Calories doing everyday chores faster. Always wear your workout gear
around the house, it keeps you motivated and you have to get your
workout in whenever you can because of time constraints.
with the kids, see who can sweep leaves faster or clean a room in the
smallest amount of time. Have yard runs fence to fence. If there are
multiple kids get creative and
start a relay race. Find a park or track around the house and stroller
trot with other moms. Start a fitness challenge among friends, this
keeps you accountable and motivates you when no one else is around.
Don't walk up the stairs run up the stairs. Add a few extra laps on the
stairs when doing chores or chasing the kids around. Pace walk, instead
of strolling through the grocery store to burn extra calories. Do extra
laps with the kids at the mall when shopping.
Don't forget strength training
Have fun, do push-ups and lunges with one of your kids on your back. This is great
for working out and the kids have a lot of fun as well. Try lunging
every time you bend over to pick up toys or clothes around the house. If
you have smaller kids, use them for your resistance training. For
example: hold your baby close to your chest like you normally do, while
performing squats. Use them as a medicine ball for abs (they really get a
kick out of this one). Sitting in an up-right position with your feet
flat on the ground, perform a sit-up or crunch and kiss them every time you
come up. Another great workout is leg raises, this can be done by lying
on your side and lifting your leg. To up the intensity keep it below
your shoulders and hold it in place. Flex your foot as well, it helps.
Get the kids to count for you.
Arm workouts
keep those nice tone arms or get the arms you lost, try starting off
with arm circles. Hold you arms out to the side at shoulder height and
proceed with circular motions. You can raise the intensity by making
them bigger and smaller. Do this for about a minute or more if you're
comfortable. Holding a small weight in both hands is another great way
to up the intensity. Start off slow, you don't want to hurt your back or
shoulders. Arm curls are great too with light weights. Hold your arms
by your waist and raise them in a smooth motion flexing the biceps. Do
multiple sets max of 10 reps or as much as time will allow. Triceps dips
are an awesome arm workout: place you
arm on the seat of the chair with feet flat on the ground and bend 90
degrees at the elbow. Extend your legs all the way out for more
resistance. Do 3 to 4 sets and 8 to 10 reps.
to be creative. Your entire house is a gym and every chore or movement
can be an exercise with intensity, speed, and resistance. Don't forget
to include everyone including the husband, kids, neighbors, pets, and other family members. HAVE FUN!
William H.
Fitness Instructor
Fitness Instructor
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