Adventures in Student Teaching: Reflection

Wow, I cannot believe that my first week of student teaching is over. It has been an amazing experience. It started Tuesday morning and continued throughout the week. I know that I have briefly shared some with you but here is an in-depth look at my first week of student teaching.

When I contacted last week I was informed that contracted teacher hours are from 8:20-3:31. I was told that she had an IEP meeting at 8:20 on Tuesday morning that she wanted me to attend, so she told me to be there at 8:10. So I was there at 8:10. When I arrived she informed me that she is listed as a resource teacher, but the school believes in full inclusion. Therefore, she goes into the general education class instead of pulling the students out.
I even got to start working with students right away. I found out that she also does playground and lunch duty because a few of the students that she gives services to require direct services on the playground as well as in the classroom.

On Wednesday, my cooperating teacher has to deal with some issues with the IEP from Tuesday, so as she was taking care of the issues I began working the students that required our services. Before school even started I was able to assist my cooperating teacher with her Color Guard as she is one of the three Color Guard coaches. During our prep, I assisted and even had the opportunity to write IEP goals for an IEP that we would have on Friday.

On Thursday, my cooperating teacher was called to be an facilitator at an IEP meeting. So she asked me to start our daily schedule and she would catch up with me later. She had me create a chart with her 3rd grade students goals and accommodations.

On Friday, I got to sit in on an Annual Review IEP for a student whose mother only speaks Spanish. While my cooperating teacher finished the IEP I started are daily schedule. I had the opportunity to chart duration and frequency for a student and I also wrote ABC data for a student as outlined in their IEPs. I also wrote an IEP invitation to send home to a student’s mother.

Reflecting back on my experiences this week, I would have to say that I am my teaching load has been sufficient and that I am very comfortable with the amount of work I have been given. I feel so natural in the classroom. I can’t wait to see what next week holds. I am looking forward to my first staff development day as well as my first Special Education Department meeting.
