Woman To Woman: Part 2

Here is the next part in the Woman to Woman series. Instead of doing the outline format I have written the others in this one will be written in paragraphs form. Please leave a comment if you are reading and enjoying this series. 

A strong women demonstrates love for her husband by respecting and supporting him. 

...let the wife see that she respects her husband. -Ephesians 5:33b 

Every man has a longing and desire for his wife's respect and support.  Respect is a choice to receive your husband in spited of his weaknesses. This choice empowers your husband to be come the man God created him to be.  

Communicating respect involves your attitude, your words, and your actions. 

But what kind of attitude is necessary? The first attitude is an attitude of unconditional respect. God commands wives to respect their husbands without conditions without them earning it. Your Husband is God's gift to you and comes with God's blessing. The second attitude is an attitude of honor. Respect your husband's authority as the head of the home in front of your children by not challenging him in their presence. 

What kind of words are necessary? There are 3 kinds of words that are necessary. The first kind of words that are necessary are words of gratitude. Tell your husband you are grateful for his work to provide for you and the family. His job and career are very important to him. Speak words of thankfulness for all he does. The second kind of words that are needed are words of praise. Tell your husband you are proud of him for every choice he makes for good over evil, right over wrong. God's way over his own selfish way. Don' take the little acts forgranted. The third kind of words that are involved are words of silence. Think before you speak and never criticize or correct your husband in public or in front of the children. Remember you are not his mother. 

What kind of actions are necessary? There are only two kinds of actions needed. The first is listening well. Listen to your husband's stories from work as closely as you desire him to listen to you talk of your daily tasks, your life with the children, or your job. The second actions is affirm his masculinity by accepting and responding to his sexuality. Accept and respond to his sexuality. Sexual intimacy is also very important to him. Be consistently seeking to grow in this area of your marriage. God wants us to enjoy sex. 

Support is a choice to follow your husband's leadership. If empowers him to be all that God intends him to be.

The bible calls following his leadership submission. The bibles says in Ephesians 5:22-23, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the Church." Submission is a response. Submission is a complementary, not competitive way of relating to your husband. Submission does not mean you are inferior or lose your identity, you blindly obey or submit to verbal or physical abuse, or that you follow you husband into sin.

Submission does mean that you give up your desire for control and cooperate with him as he seeks to lead your marriage and family. Respect his ideas.

Demonstrating support or submission also involves your attitude, your words and your actions. 

What does a supportive attitude look like? It is an attitude of trust. Trust that god will work in his life. A supportive wife trusts her husband to make decisions even if they are sometimes wrong (from your perspective), trusting that God can correct him and change him. It is an attitude of faith. RELAX!!!! Give him a chance. A supportive wife has faith that god is in control of her life, her marriage, her children, her present circumstance and her future. 

What are supportive words that inspire his leadership? There are three different types of words. The first is words of belief. Share with your husband what you believe and what you know. Believe that God is in control of your life, your marriage, your children, your present circumstances, and your future. Words of help is the second type of words. Offer your insights, opinions and feelings on all aspects of your marriage and family (in a respectful way), while communicating that you will follow whatever he ultimately decides. And when you aren't respectful, be sure you apologize afterwards. The last type of words are words of affirmation. Let you husband know that he is the "champion of your heart." Let him know that God has called him to lead your home. It will affirm your support and remind him of his responsibility.

What are supportive actions that communicate your loyalty to him? Be read to follow him where God leads him in his job. Resist the temptation to be critical of your husband if his decision is not what you would have chosen.

With his wife's respect and support, a husband becomes more confident. If he doesn't feel respected, he doesn't feel confident. God is calling you to trust Him and follow His plan, even though a positive response from your husband is not guaranteed. 

