Friday Confessional


This is my first Friday Confessional in several months. With school and life and everything else I just haven't had time.

I confess... I am excited that school has started back up. Even though my son is only in school 3 hours a day Monday through Thursday. I cherish that time because when he comes home is a hyper child. 

I confess... It feels weird not having to go to school myself. But at the same time it is a bittersweet moment to know that I have graduated college and have not started my career yet.

I confess...I am looking forward to the holidays coming up. I can't wait to decorate for Christmas. Even though this year has been a tough year and still is a tough year.

I confess...I am excited that this time next year my little man will be starting Kindergarten. It will be a bittersweet moment though.

I confess...I am happy to be able to find time to blog. I am looking for some blog hops to link up. So if you are reading this and know of some please leave a comment below with a link.
