Friday Confessionals


I confess....It feels great to be able to get back into my routine after having a lazy off week last week, especially being sick.

I confess...I am excited about the Partylite Party that I am hosting tonight for a friend of mine who is just starting her own Partylite Business. I will be doing a post about the party sometime this weekend.

I confess....I am finishing writing this post at 2:15am PST while waiting on my husband to bring me some McDonald's because I am hungry...
I confess...I am excited because one of my friends recently joined the blog world and I had the opportunity to help her get everything set up and to create her blog look as well as her blog button. I would really like it if you could take a few moments to stop by and check her blog out.

I confess...There are big changes coming in the next few months for my family. I will be posting about them in another post at a later date. We are still trying to plan everything out.

I confess...I am excited to have found the time to start reading books again. I am looking forward to reading the book that I just got yesterday from the library. I will be posting a reading review as soon as I can get started reading. The book is called The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck. It is a Christian Romance Novel.

I confess...I got a little picture happy with this post. 

Well that is all for this week. Stay Tuned for Next Week's Confessionals. 
