I Confess Friday

It has been awhile since I have done a Friday Confessional. I am looking forward to trying to get back into the flow of doing them again weekly.

I confess that…I even though I love my job, I love having vacation time to get things that have been on my to-do list for awhile done.

I confess that…I am nervous about my little man going to kindergarten because of his behavior at home.

I confess that…He went to preschool and did just fine, but his behavior at home was different.

I confess that…I wish I was starting my first year of teaching, but I am content for the time being in being a 1:1 aide.

I confess that…I am still looking forward to stepping into my very own classroom for the first time.


  1. If he did great in preschool I think you don't have to worry-- my kids all totally behave better at school than at home; but I try not to complain too much as I would much rather have it that way than the other way around :)

    1. Thanks for the advice. This should be an adventure for sure.

  2. I agree with Emmy, if he did well in preschool, he will do well in Kindergarten. My son does well in school and is a terror at home! :) Stopping by from the #SITSSHAREFEST

    1. Thanks for stopping by. It will be interesting to see how everything goes.

  3. I had the same reservations about my son., He's going from babysitter to kindergarten this year and I am so nervous, but I'm sure he will be fine, and your son will be awesome as well. Great sharing and great post. I love I Confess Fridays :)
    Blog luvin from #SITSharefest

    1. Thanks for stopping by Samantha. I am glad that you enjoyed. I am sure that he will be fine. He does alright at Church in the Children's ministry.

  4. Those are sweet little confessions! my daughter doesn't start kinder until next year, but i confess...i'm freaking out already! we are trying to prepare her by teaching her at home since she's not going to preK or day care. Hope it's enough!

    Stopping by from SITSSharefest.

    Gracielle from http://mommya-z.com

  5. Gracielle,

    Thanks for stopping by and the kind words. Have you heard about abcmouse.com? It is a great educational website.


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