Electronic Troubles

Well I am finally getting a chance to write about this situation that happened a week ago.

My laptop was stolen. I was at a friend''s house and I brought my laptop to do some work on it. I left it in their dinning room. When I went to go get it, I could not find my case. After searching, I found it my case in their garage. My tablet was still in my laptop case along with my car keys and wallet. The only thing missing was my laptop. Now, I have to tell you that my laptop did not have a battery in it because my battery needs to be replaced. The thief did not take the power cord.

Of course I had an idea of who it could be because of a personal situation that is going on a my friend's house. So I called the cops. It turns out who I thought did it didn't. The person who did is still at large with my laptop.

That was Thursday. on Friday I was shopping at Costco and lost my tablet. It still has not turned up either. So in two days, I lost about 1000 dollars worth of electronic devices.

So please forgive me in advance if my blog posts are not consistent as I currently only have my phone to blog on.
