10 things to Smile About: September Edition

It is that time of month again. It is time to take a look back at everything that happened in the month of September and to pick the 10 things that make me smile.

1) Got to spend Labor day in one of my favorite places…my mountain getaway

2) Got let go from my job at Bright Future, but got to interview with Easter Seals as a Behavior Interventionist

3) Got to celebrate a close family friend son’s 2nd Birthday


4) Get to attend a close family friend’s wedding on the 29th

5) Got to watch my son be excited to learn and begin to write words

Writing Practice 0

6) Got the job as a Behavior Interventionist and began training

download (2)

7) Got an email from SITS about begin selected as a featured blogger


8) Got to capture some special moments  between my husband and son


9) Got to see my son excited about his first school fundraiser

10) Got to see my son excited about his first school picture day (Will share when I get the picture)


  1. So awesome you were able to get a new job so quickly! In today's economy that is often not the case. Love when kids first start writing, so cute!
    Thank you so much for linking up! Good luck with the rest of your job training this week

  2. So sorry you were let go from your job, but yay for finding another one so fast!

  3. That is great you were able to find a new job right away! Congratulations! The rest of your list is great too! Often I find it's the little things in life that make me smile every day!

  4. Awesome! I love getting a glimpse into your world and hearing about your victories! Love the pic of your guys ;-)


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