Friday 5

 Emmy Mom
This week I am linking up with a new blog hop and my first link is special because I am co-hosting with Emily from Emmy Mom. I really haven't blogged in a while, so I am excited to get back into blogging with an awesome new meme, Friday 5 (#Friday5). For those that are new to this meme like me you share 5 things and 5 pictures from the week.

5 Things
1) I am excited to finally find a few minutes to blog. It seems for the past couple months my life as been so busy I am surprised that I have found time to get some sleep. A lot has happened in those several moments. I confess that I have had a lot to blog about. Maybe this week I will be inspired to blog about some events that have happened.

2) This week I started planning an Easter Egg-extravaganza for my church. I know I probably should have started planning this towards the beginning of the year, but God gives you ideas and things on his time. I know that I can plan this in enough time and he will use it for His Glory.

3) This week through the use of social media, I have gotten connected with some new people through other mutual friends. I have also been able to connect with a few old friends.

4) After months of trying to make plans to do so, I was able to take my husband and son to our weekly market night. We even had a friend and her son join us. It was a fun time. Especially since the friend that joined us was a friend of my husband's first and I am just starting to get to know her more. She is one fun lady.

5) My son's teacher was on maternity leave when is was time for Trimester 2 Parent-Teacher conferences and now that she is back we had our parent teacher conference this week. It is great to hear how our little one has improved and to hear what he still struggles with. I know that by the end of Trimester 3 he will improve more. He has made us so proud.

5 Pictures

My ouch!!! On Wednesday, I smashed my hand in a door and sprained/bruised my right ring finger. 
Market Night...
More Market Night Fun..

Normally, I have tons and tons of pictures from the week, but over the past few weeks I haven't been taking as much pictures as I normally do. So since I really don't have that many pictures from this week. The next two pictures happened on Saturday the 5th...So I guess they would be from this week since Saturday hasn't come yet.

At a BBQ, a dear friend of the family try to teach my son to play pool. He had a blast.

At the same BBQ, he later crashed from all the fun he had that day.

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  1. that is so sweet!! loved learning more about u!

  2. Yea,I hope you do get back to blogging more, it definitely is a thing that can come and go. I know I have been blogging still but just barely lately. Thank you so much for co-hosting. Love that sleeping picture and ouch your poor finger, that would hurt so bad!! Oh I added your link to the linky for you :)

  3. Elle,

    Thanks for stopping by. I hope you come back and check out some more of my blog post.

  4. Emmy,

    I believe I responded to your comment via email. Your very welcome. I had a blast co-hosting and getting inspired to blog again.


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