Friday 5

I am glad that I found time again this week to link up with Emmy Mom as this week was an interesting week to say the least. It was a week full of happy moments, difficult moments and moments that make me want to scream and bang my head on the wall. 

5 Things

1) Our week started off by losing a best friend, a beloved member of the family. While our little man was at school on Monday, we discovered our dog had passed away. My husband rescued him from the animal shelter in 2006. Not long after I met my husband this little dog found a special place in my heart. RIP Cutter...

2) This week involved another trip to the urgent care for me...I won't go into too much details...nothing injured this time...treatment this time is antibiotics.

3) I was busy this week finishing up plans for the Easter Eggtravaganza that I was planning and hosting for my church. The purpose of this event is to try and grow our children's ministry that I am in the director of. This event will take place on Saturday, April 19th. I was also busy fitting in last minute rehearsals for the children's performance during our Easter Service. I can't wait to see how it all comes together. 

4) This week, I found time to do something I have been trying to do for awhile now, I got to start and actually stay on top of a daily Bible Devotional...The topic of my devotional was Story of Easter. I love this time of year, because I get to pause and remember what happened over 2,000 years ago that allows me to be the person I am today. 

5) This week, I began to try to get back into the swing of being an active blogger again. I tried to get some well overdue posts written. Most our still in the drafting phase; However I was able to get at least one of the post completely written. 

5 Pictures

A Traditional Easter Picture
My Son playing Tug O' War with a friends dog...
this was taken only hours after burying his own dog
Latest Lowe's Build and Grow Clinic Project
My Husband after working a 12 hour shift...
I had breakfast on the table when he walked in,
so he could eat and go to sleep...
he didn't make it to the bed. 
"Gone, But Never Forgotten"

What will make next week's Friday 5???
 Be sure to check back next week and see!!!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of Cutter! Beautiful pup. Great pictures! I'm trying to get in the habit of doing a "five" post but never actually get around to it. Enjoy the holiday!

    1. Donna,

      Thanks. I just started linking up and doing this post last week....I am hoping to be able to make it a habit. I hope you enjoy the holiday as well.

  2. So sorry about the loss of your dog but I'm glad your son is doing okay. Your poor husband! Looks tired out a bit!

    1. Katherine,
      Thanks for stopping by and checking out my post. Sometimes I take how hard my husband works for granted. It can't be easy staying awake all not and trying to sleep during the day when others are awake.

  3. So sorry about your loss, that is so hard. I always had a dog growing up and lost a couple, so not fun. Awe your poor husband, working so hard! That is awesome he does work hard to support your family though. Thanks so much for linking up

    1. Emmy,
      I am glad I could link up again. I love this link up. It is a great way to recap the week...which will make it easier for me when it comes time for the 10 Things link up...


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