Benefits of Drinking Water

It's no secret that water is an important. Something that I have personally tried to do lately is make sure that I am drinking at least half my body weight in ounces a day to make sure that my body gets enough water to be healthy. Did you know that water helps your body function. Here are 15 benefits of drinking water each day!

1. It lubricates the joints

2. It forms saliva and mucus-helps with food digestion

3. It delivers oxygen throughout the body

4. It boosts skin health and beauty

5. It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues

6. It regulates body temperature

7. The digestive system depends on it

8. It flushes body waste

9. It helps maintain blood pressure

10. The airways need it

11. It makes minerals and nutrients accessible

12. It prevents kidney damage

13. It boosts performance during exercise

14. Weight loss

15. It reduces the chance of a hangover
