Friday Confessionals

It's Friday!!!! That means it is time for some confessions from this week....

I confess that....I really enjoyed the SITS Girls Blogtober Challenge. I have been able to connect with some wonderful ladies from around the world. 

I confess that....I am looking forward to finalizing the details and last minute tasks for my church's Harvest festival that I have been planning for months.

I confess that....I really enjoy my new job...I love the fact that I get paid to play with Children with Autism and that I get to teach them valuable skills through play. 

I confess that...I am really excited that I learned how to creat pins on pintrest this week. 

I confess that...I am addicted to the NBC show "Chiagco Fire". 

I confess that...I can't wait to link up with Emmy Mom for 10 Things to Smile About.

I confess that...I have become addicted to using my work-issued IPad for more than just work. 

What do you have to confess? 
