Ten Things to Smile About: October Edition

Another month is coming to a close. In 2 months time, we will be celebrating the end of a year. I can't believe how all that has happened this year and this month. It is time to pause and look back over the month at all the things that have happened.

Once again, I am excited to link up with one of my great blogger friends, Emmy from Emmy Mom.

1) Got to celebrate my Mom's Birthday with 2 celebrations. Celebration #1 was on her birthday with a small homemade cake and celebration #2 was the Friday after her birthday, I took her out to dinner and through a small dinner party for her at one of her favorite restaurants.

2) Got to take our annual trip to the pumpkin patch for our traditional pumpkin patch photo shoot

3) Attended my first parent-teacher conference as a parent and not a student and got my son's first report card

4) Had the opportunity to plan a Harvest Festival for my Church to try to build  our children's ministry
Flyer I created for the event

5) Finished my first 30 days at my new job and got to start on my cases

6) Found a new activity to add to our Halloween tradition, It a Great Pumpkin at Bass Pro Shops..(if everything goes to plan we will be going the day before Halloween..be sure to look for the post)

7) Got my son's first get my son's first school picture
The pose I paid for 
The pose that is available on-line for purchase

 8) Learned how to create pin's on Pinterest...Be sure to look out for more blog post related pins

9 ) My son received his first award from his teacher.
He knows all his letters!!!!
10) Was the Featured Blogger on SITS Girls!!!!

What made you smile this month?


  1. How awesome you were the featured blogger! That is so cool. Happy belated birthday to your mom. What a cute picture of your son, so awesome he is doing so well in school. Looks like a fun pumpkin patch. Thank you so much for linking up!

  2. Emmy,

    Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read my post. It has been an exciting month. Thanks for all the kind words and for creating this 10 Things to Smile about Link up as each month I enjoy reading what other people have to smile about.

  3. Testing your comment system! :)

    Congrats on being featured on SITS! Your kids are too cute! I'll have to look for you on Pinterest. :)

  4. Chris,
    Thanks for stopping by and testing my comment system. Just so you know I only have one kid, but he is a cutie.


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