Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Image may contain: text that says 'Goodbye 2018 HELLO 2019'
Here we are just hours away from the end of one year and the beginning of another year. As I reflect back on the year I see a year filled with good times and tough times, but every moment of 2018 was an adventure. Even though the tough times seemed at times to out number the good times I wouldn't change anything about 2018 because it was all part of God's plan. 

One of the biggest and most exciting things that happened in our family this year is that we grew our family by adding our first Princess. So now we are a family of 5 with 2 boys and 1 girl. She is our Christmas baby born on December 19th. So we are looking forward to her first year of life. 
Leila Rose Svihl
12-19-18 @ 1:12pm
5 pounds 13 ounces
18.5 inches long

In looking back on 2018, I found in February I had the idea to start blogging again and didn't stick to it. But 2019 is another opportunity to try again. This year, my plan is to make time at least once a week to sit down and share our adventures for that week. I am looking forward to bringing this blog back to life and using it to share about being a wife, mother of 3, a boss babe (yep I am still doing the nail thing and the Scentsy thing), and much more. 
